News & Blog
Filtered by ' Vista-
Aquavista Christmas Vista
Jan 2022We would like to wish each one of our customers a very merry Christmas and thank you for joining us throughout the changing seasons on the water. It’s been our pleasure to share our love of waterside life with you this year – and hope you can join us again next year – whether virtually or on a marina tour. From all of the crew, we wish you a very Happy Waterside Christmas – on land or water! We hope the new year brings your best 'boat life story' yet.
Aquavista December Vista
Jan 2022It’s that time of year again to deck the hulls, turn up the festive songs and watch out for falling snow as we all get ready for Christmas and turn our thoughts to spending time with family and loved ones. In December’s Vista you’ll find some exciting news about Aquavista; winter tips; a tour around Packet Boat Waterside & Marina and our gift to you - a festive lights competition to win a lovely bespoke prize.
Aquavista November Vista
Nov 2021The clocks have gone back, and the nights are drawing in – winter and the season of festivities is well and truly upon us. Whilst you’re hopefully relaxing and enjoying the sparkle of fireworks in the crisp air, this Vista we’ve got a great winter mooring offer for you and some exciting updates from our marinas.
Aquavista October Vista
Oct 2021As the rain falls and the wind blows, there’s no escaping that winter will soon be upon us. We’ve got some handy tips on how to prepare for the season, including CRT stoppages. If you're looking to settle for the season then why not take a look at our Winter mooring offer.
Summer update from CEO, Steve de Polo
Jul 2021Over the last few weeks our operations teams have been busy getting our watersides and marinas ready to fully reopen following the removal of all government restrictions in July. We are delighted to be able to now welcome everyone back and thank you all for your patience during a trying 18 months.