The rural splendour of Glasson Waterside & Marina. The city centre buzz of Hull Waterside & Marina. The metropolitan feel of Limehouse Waterside & Marina. The peaceful harbour of Royal Clarence Waterside & Marina. The calming waters of Birdham Pool Waterside & Marina. Aquavista operates three coastal marinas and they all have something different to offer, whether you’re a leisure cruiser or plan to take up a residential mooring.
But along with their unique charms, the ways to navigate into our coastal marinas are equally varied! From the locks at Limehouse to the tides at Glasson, there’s some essential information you’ll need to get you there safely, and we’ve shared it with you below.
But while life at our coastal marinas may be rich and diverse, there’s one thing all three have in common. They all make ideal launching spots for exploring the UK’s beautiful coastline, or for cruising the picturesque tidal waters of the Thames.
So to make sure you get the most out of them, we’ve added some tips on coastal and tidal navigation that will help you find your sea legs. All you need is a sense of adventure – and this handy guide.
Tips on coastal navigation for sea-going crafts
Tips on coastal navigation for narrowboats