The Future of Hull Waterside & Marina
Welcome to our project website where you can find details about Aquavista’s plans for the redevelopment of the boat yard at Hull Waterside & Marina. This site will provide our neighbours and our customers with details of our proposals, provide an opportunity to have your say and provide regular updates as the plans progress.
What are we hoping to achieve at Hull Waterside & Marina?
As part of our rebrand to Aquavista we are committed to making improvements across all out marinas. This includes improvements to the facilities serving our customers as well as improving the overall appearance of the sites for the communities in which we operate. Hull Waterside & Marina already provides our customers with great facilities, but we feel that it could offer so much more.
Our vision for the site is based on a desire to provide world class marina facilities that help to act as the catalyst for the regeneration of the eastern end of Kingston Street at the junction with Railway Street, following improvements in the Old Town Conservation Area to our East.
We believe that the development of this site will not only enrich and enliven the unique waterside street scene, but also act as a quality benchmark for any future developments west of the dock. The delivery of new homes will not only support the development of the wider marina area but will also contribute to the identified need for housing in Hull, including affordable homes.
Our plans
We have arrived at the proposed layout following extensive site analysis and pre-application discussions with Hull City Council. The mass and scale responds to the current constraints whilst being designed to limit the impact on our site neighbours, and improving the outlook over the boatyard.
What the current plans include:
- Improvements to the boat yard to provide high quality marina facilities.
- 51 new apartments adjacent to Humber Dock Marina.
- New commercial space.
- 34 new high quality townhouses including much needed affordable homes.
- New planting.
- Improvements to the visual appearance of the waterside street scene
In the summer of 2020, we rebranded from BWML to our new Aquavista brand. The new identity was created to reflect our mission to deliver a great waterside experience that puts our customers and the communities in which we operate at the heart of our service.
As part of our new identity of Aquavista we are committed to making improvements across all our marinas to improve facilities, not only for our customers, but also our neighbours.
At Hull Waterside & Marina our vision is to create and deliver world class marina facilities that enrich and enliven the waterfront experience while also delivering high quality new homes that integrate sympathetically with the existing community.
Improvements to the marina and boatyard

The development proposes to rationalise and improve the warehouse facility. These works will ensure that this facility is fit for purpose, allowing for a flexible and modern space which will ensure the continued operation of the boat maintenance and repair services at the site. Since taking over Hull Marina we have spent £300,000 making sure the site is fit for the long term.
How the money has been spent:
• £235k on replacement marine infrastructure
• £36k on improvements to the facilities, including the refurbishment of berth holder facilities
• £25k on general boat yard maintenance
• £10k on improved security
Our aspirations for the future:
• Simplifying access to the boatyard via the boatlift
• Creating a truly enclosed workshop area to support delicate boat repair
• Providing improved facilities within the warehouse
• Creation of residential storage area
• A full mast rigging service

Kingston Street
Aquavista has designed the appearance and layout of the proposed townhouses off Kingston Street with a strong consideration towards the visual and physical impact on our site neighbours. The layout of the proposed masterplan has been designed to keep development well away from the boundaries of the existing neighbouring properties, while extensive boundary planting will provide additional screening and privacy.
The proposed new homes will be no greater than 2-3 storeys in height. We are acutely aware of overlooking that’s why we have positioned taller houses located towards the centre of the site
well away from the boundary.
We are proposing a mix of brick and render for use on the proposed townhouses which will best reflect the existing environment, while providing a more modern approach to enhance the development.

Railway Street
Our proposals for Railway Street would see the delivery of 51 new apartments, new marine compatible commercial space at ground floor level as well as significant visual improvements to the street scene.
The proposed development would reflect the busy and vibrant nature of the marina environment using a range of different heights, materials and design to respect and enhance the setting of the neighbouring Grade II Listed Warehouse 13.
As part of the development, we are proposing to introduce balconies to the apartment buildings to provide new residents with access to external space and to enhance the views over the marina.
This development will act as an important visual waypoint within the city of Hull, drawing visitors into the marina with a clearly framed arrival point.
Aquavista is confident that our plans will help to significantly improve the facilities within the marina as well as creating an improved public realm for Railway Street and Kingston Street. The plans will also help to deliver high quality new housing as well as much needed affordable housing for the area on under-utilised brown field land.
We appreciate that the proposals will change the nature of the boat yard. As a company with a long-term stake in the community we are committed to ensuring that the plans are delivered in the most sensitive way with close engagement with the local community throughout the process.
Have your say
We would like to hear your views on our proposals for the future of Hull Waterside and Marina. We welcome your feedback about our proposals and would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete this form.
Following the completion of the consultation period we will provide ongoing updates to the community as the project progresses.